Energy, Environmental and Regulatory
Our experts deliver value in the following area
Beginning in 2019, all Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act approved industrial facilities are required to carry out an inventory of their sources and air emissions. The AEIR Program collects required air emissions and related information from EPEA approved industrial operations meeting set reporting thresholds for the criteria (common) air contaminants (CACs).
MICONE offers end-end services to help businesses address the Annual Emission Inventory Reporting requirements (AEIR) set out in the Air Monitoring Directive (AMD) Reporting Chapter and the Substance Release Regulation . We cover all facets of data gathering, emission inventory, quantification, pollution control, reporting, and verification. We also cover the complete emissions reduction project cycle.
MICONE Consulting Inc.
Copyright © MICONE Consulting Inc.
MICONE Consulting Inc
Suite 300, 840-6th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, AB T2P 3E5
Phone: 403-800-5422
Fax: 403-770-8496