Copyright © MICONE Consulting Inc.
On March 31, 2021, Environment and Climate Change Canada announced its intent to remove the application of the federal OBPS from Ontario facilities effective January 1, 2022. The Emissions Performance Standards (EPS) program ensures polluters are accountable for their greenhouse gas emissions and will help Ontario achieve its share of Canada’s 2030 emissions reduction target, without a carbon tax. Emissions performance standards are used to determine an emissions limit that industrial facilities must meet each year. The standards become stricter every year, requiring emitters to either reduce their emissions or pay for exceeding the limits.
MICONE Consulting Inc
Suite 300, 840-6th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, AB T2P 3E5
Phone: 403-800-5422
Fax: 403-770-8496
MICONE has extensive experience to assist facilities with EPS registration, compliance and verification process as well as provide professional advise and strategies on:
Energy, Environmental and Regulatory
MICONE Consulting Inc.