Copyright © MICONE Consulting Inc.

Assurance and verification

MICONE is an Accredited GHG Validation and Verification Body. We will provides third-party assurance and verification of your sustainability and environmental data. Third-party assurance and verification builds trust and increase confidence in the quality of the information and data in sustainability reports and ESG disclosures

Our experts deliver value in the following area

  • Verification or assurance of climate change and greenhouse gas data 
  • Assurance of GRI-based reports
  • Verification report for investors​
  • independent credibility to key performance data 
  • ​Increasing the integrity of key information and enhance data collection and reporting processes
  • ​Mitigating against the risk of the release of potentially misleading or inaccurate information




Sustainability Reporting

MICONE will help support the development of your annual sustainability report and also support business forecasting as it relates to environmental, sustainability and governance.


Our experts deliver value in the following area

  • Assessment will be conducted to develop a comprehensive list of potential sustainability issues
  • Strategic development and goal setting
  • KPI development and tracking
  • Materiality assessment
  • ​Risk Assessment
  • Supply chain analysis and mapping
  • ​What to include and how to disclose it and use storytelling to create a narrative
  • Report production and publication

MICONE offers a full suite of sustainability reporting services to help businesses address environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges and regulatory matters. Sustainability issues are having an increasingly dramatic impact on businesses, investors, consumers, the workforce and governments. Investors, regulators, customers, suppliers and the public-at-large need thorough, reliable data to assess an organization’s practices and performance.

MICONE specialize in a range of leading frameworks including the GRI Standards, Integrated Reporting (IR) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards. MICONE is an Accredited GHG Verification Body

Energy, Environmental and Regulatory

SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING and environmental, social

and governaNce (ESG) DISCLOSURE

MICONE Consulting Inc.

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MICONE Consulting Inc

Suite 300, 840-6th Avenue S.W.

Calgary, AB T2P 3E5

Phone: 403-800-5422

Fax: 403-770-8496
