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On January 1, 2020, the Federal government introduced a Federal Fuel Charge on the use of natural gas consumed by Alberta-based stationary facilities. This Federal Fuel Charge effectively re-instates the Alberta Carbon Tax that was brought in by the previous NDP government but subsequently repealed by the current UCP government on May 31, 2019. Alberta’s Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (‘’TIER’’) regulations were granted equivalency by the Federal Government on December 6th, 2019, which means the Federal Fuel Charge will not only apply to facilities with GHG emissions greater than 100,000 tonnes CO2e/year. A facility is eligible to opt-in if it competes directly against a facility regulated under TIER or if the facility has greater than 10,000 tonnes of annual emissions and belongs to an emissions-intensive, trade-exposed (EITE) sector. 

TIER-Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction

MICONE has extensive experience to assist with the TIER Opt-in process as well as provide professional advise and strategies on:

  • Whether facilities should be registered individually or grouped as ‘’aggregated facility’’
  • Determine the best planning or operational option for the facilities (e.g. opt-in to the TIER or pay the federal carbon levy?) 
  • TIER Compliance Reporting
  • TIER Benchmark and Compliance Verification
  • Third-Party Verification
  • Determining ‘’Facility Specific Benchmarks’’ or ‘’High Performance Benchmarks’’ for facilities
  • Establishing GHG Emission intensity reduction targets
  • Determining whether a facility would generate emission performance credits

Energy, Environmental and Regulatory

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MICONE Consulting Inc

Suite 300, 840-6th Avenue S.W.

Calgary, AB T2P 3E5

Phone: 403-800-5422

Fax: 403-770-8496

Email: info@miconeconsulting.com